Walsh Hillclimb School 26th June 2007 When
I heard early in the year that the Midland Automobile Club would run the
first Shelsley school in June 2007, I was immediately keen to attend as a
sequel to the Curborough school I attended last year. Once again I
was able to use my allocated 2007 training fund through work, so my only
cost for the day was fuel. Great! 2 of my work colleagues also
signed up, Ruari in his Cossie Fury and Jan in his Mustang! We drove
over in convoy from Warwick, leaving at about 7.15 and taking the scenic
route along the A46 & A422 to Worcester. After
a week of heavy rain we were blessed with a day of clear spells and some
cloud, but no rain. However arrival in Worcester demonstrated how
bad the floods were around the river. Thankfully the roads were
unaffected at this stage, but soon we were to be finding entertaining
routes to get over the river to Shelsley Walsh. In Shelsley
Beauchamp the road was under more than 4' of water... We eventually
found a way around which meant braving a 4" flood which resulted in a
rather damp interior for the Mojo, but at least we had arrived (albeit
rather later than expected). Thankfully
others had arrived late too, so the start of proceedings was delayed
by 30 mins. After signing
on and getting a helmet, we were introduced to our instructors for the
day: Jim Robinson, Simon Durling, Chris Merrick and Martin Groves - all
big names in Hillclimbing. We were then given a series of short
presentations on Hillclimbing in general (summary of regulations, safety
equipment etc) which were similar to those given at Curborough last
year. Martin then took us through a description of each corner on
the hill, with tips on the best line. For the morning runs, we were
helped with strategically placed marker poles at turn in and apex points
and a cone at the approx braking point for the esses. Click
the thumbnail for the track map in a new window: 
then walked the hill in three groups, which was very interesting, and
brought home just how steep the tarmac is! Simon led my group, and
he talked us through each corner as we walked up. We then returned
to the cars and prepared for our first run, clearing out loose items from
the cars (I also removed sodden carpet mats & passenger seat base!). I
was number 30 for the day so had to sit and watch the previous 29 cars
queue up and then head up the hill. I took my first run cautiously-
we had been repeatedly warned in the opening presentations that Shelsley
can bite, and bite hard! I had imagined that the narrowness of the
tarmac and the size of the banks would be a dominant part of the run, but
I actually didn't notice them much, I was trying to concentrate on the
line but didn't make a very good job of it really! I made a better
fist of the lines on the second run, but still took it fairly easy, but
had a bit more fun through the esses (a lovely left - right through a
steep sided gap in the hillside which spits you out on the final
straight). It was then
time for the first feedback from the instructors. Jim Robinson
remembered me well from the 2 events at Curborough last year, and was
clearly disappointed at my lack of pace. His opening comment was
"You Land Rover boys are all wimps - braking into Kennel (the first
corner)!!!". We had been warned to be careful, but that
encouraged me to have a bit more of a go the next time round!
Feedback from the other instructors was similar - think about the lines
more and push a bit harder. For
my third run I still dabbed the brakes into Kennel but was certainly a bit
faster, and the lines started to feel more natural. The Esses became
more fun too! The Mojo's gearing proved spot on, with the shift
light just coming on in second before lifting off into Kennel, then up to
third through Crossing, down to second through the Esses, and then back up
to third on the final straight. A good exit from the top S would
just see the shift light coming on over the line in third (an indicated
95mph). 4 gear changes per run! It
was then time for more feedback before lunch. My brakelights had
been spotted illuminated on the entrance to Kennel! Must try
harder... Otherwise feedback was definitely improving! Lunch
was great, finished off with a huge portion of bread and butter pudding
with custard- real racing driver's food... Then
it was time for 2 more runs. In each I just lifted into Kennel, with
no use of the brakes, which went down much better with the
instructors! The second of these runs was particularly good,
although I wasn't far off running out of road on the exit. Jim's
description was that it was "much better, using all of the road"
whereas Martin was a bit more circumspect with "you don't want to go
much faster...". Certainly both of these runs left me with a
big grin on my face once at the finish, the car was now moving around a
bit through the corners so I was getting more confident, and it felt good! Time
for one final run which was not as good as my 5th, so left me feeling
slightly disappointed. But 6 runs is not that many to learn a hill
climb in a day - the experts were saying that they never get what feels
like a 'perfect' run (and they have done rather more than 6 runs each...),
and that is the challenge of Shelsley- there is always room for
improvement. Overall a
very good day. At £155 for 6 runs it sounds fairly expensive, but
given it is a fully marshalled day with medical & breakdown crews, the
instructors, the catering staff and various other supporting roles, I
think it's good value. Even better if you get the company to pay for
you to go... Some photos: